'OnCe a wIsE MaN AsKeD 2 GoD, WhAt iS ThE MeAnInG Of LifE? gOd RepLiEd: LifE ItSeLf hAs nO MeAnInG In iT, LifE Is aN OpPoRtUnItY To cReAtE A MeAnInG... GoD Is tHe bEsT LiStEnEr.. yOu dOn't nEeD To sHoUt nOr cRy LouD. BeCaUsE He hEaR'S EvEn tHe vErY SiLeNt pRaYeR Of a sInCeRe hEaRt.' 'ChAaR PaLo kI H Ye zInDgAaNi, iSe uSuLoN Me mAt sAmEtNa.. KhUd kE HiSsE Ka tO Ji LetE HaI SaBhI, KaBhI DuSrO Ka hIsSa b bAnKaR DeKhNa... MaYuS HoNa eK GuNaH HoTa h... MiLtA WaHi jO KiSmAt mE LiKhA HoTa h.. HaR ChIz mIlE HuMe zArUrI NaHi, kUcH ChIzO K InTzAr mE Hi mAzA HoTa h.... rAaT Ne cHaDr sAmEt Li H.. SuRaJ Ne kIrNe bIkHeR Di h.. ChLiYe uThIyE,ThAnKs kIjIyE Us kHuDa kO... JiSnE ApKo iTnI PyArI SuBh dI H.. gUd mRnG... miss you PriNceSS
just here to wish You happy new year ">http://data.whicdn.com/images/20316074/tumblr_lx1w3esfCi1qc4uvwo1_400_large.gif" border="0"/> ">http://data.whicdn.com/images/20316208/tumblr_lx2yuoNbJQ1r7u7cbo1_500_large.png" border="0"/> ">http://s2.favim.com/orig/30/alone-girl-gras-green-silenc-Favim.com-246245.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://s2.favim.com/orig/31/ball-christmas-gift-new-year-photo-Favim.com-249436.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://s2.favim.com/orig/31/christmas-decemper-new-year-snow-winter-Favim.com-248823.jpg" border="0"/> May You come up as bright as sun, as cool as water and as sweet as honey. Hope this new year fulfill all Your desires and wishes.. HAPPY NEW YEAR ">http://s2.favim.com/orig/32/alone-crying-girl-heartbroken-sad-Favim.com-250063.jpg" border="0"/> make 2012 a memorable year. Never give up. ">http://data.whicdn.com/images/20315674/happy_new_year_037_large.gif" border="0"/> ">http://s2.favim.com/orig/32/alone-art-artistic-bag-colours-Favim.com-250404.jpg" border="0"/> good luck for 2012
LiFe Is A oNe WaY RoAd , We CaN sEe BaCk , BuT wE cAnT Go BcK , sO dOnT mIsS aNy ThInG . EnJoY eVeRy MoVeMeNt Of Ur LiFe ">http://img1.imagehousing.com/53/a30ae6ab89fb3a36c20efb6d6527a7dc.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://img1.imagehousing.com/34/08ed6c86559010fb8c83315e6f9ff627.jpg" border="0"/> WISH U A HAPPY NEW YEAR ">http://img1.imagehousing.com/9/f69e52d9c14a44e51d5b069d6fd420af.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://img1.imagehousing.com/16/875cf35b05f300a13cc3946d0f77ef01.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://img1.imagehousing.com/57/39602fc97682cb91a63fe0f4c931559f.jpg" border="0"/> keep smilling
May this new year bring many opportunities to your way, to explore every joy of life & may your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements. Happy New Year to you & your family have a great year ahead