Maturity is not when we started speaking big things but it’s when we start understanding small things. ***** Have a success week friend Take care Kismat(basiah)
The candle of hope is the source of light for success in life so don’t loose it. Failures try to blow it out but try to guard it with both your hands. Good Luck to U. ***** Goodnight friend Have a peace night Take care Kismat(Basiah)
May God stay with you this day and give u peace of mind. May God give you a happy heart and his love all the time. Good luck ***** Good morning friend Have a happy week Take care Kismat(Basiah)
BLESSING B-egin ur day with L-ove in ur heart… E-ver Smiling… S-hare goodness S-hine like d sun I-nspire some1… N-ever forget that G-OD is with U. ***** Good morning friend have a wonderful weekend Kismat(Basiah)
Life has no rewinds n forwards. It unfolds itself at its own pace. So never miss a chance to live today to make a beautiful story for tomorrow. ***** Have a Nice life friend. Kismat(Basiah)
Good morning friend Have a happy Friday ***** Praying that the Lord Holds you in His Love And blesses you with His grace on this Holy Day. Kismat(Basiah)
Begin the day with a light heart. Let all your worries be swept aside at night. Smile a moment and thank God, for every moment He cares for you all the way ****** Good Night friend Take care Kismat(Basiah)
some where in advance Eid mubarak May Allah flood your life with happiness on this occasion, ur heart with love, ur soul with spiritual, ur mind with wisdom, wishing u a very Happy Eid Mubarak ****** Good morning friend Have a Happy day Kismat(Basiah)
sweetness in your speech talent in your mind love in your heart peace in your eyes strength in your hands & I wish always victory in your life ***** Good morning friend Take care Kismat
KILL d Stress B4 it Kills U REACH d Goal B4 it Kicks U HELP Every1 B4 Sum1 Helps U LIVE Life B4 Life Leaves U Keep smiling ***** Good morning friend Have a happy weekend Kismat(Basiah)
When earthly help is no avail, there is one friend who will never fail. Just lift ur eyes, the answer is there. For nobody knows the power of prayer. Have a worry free day. ***** Have a Happy time friend Take good care Kismat(Basiah)
In the Book of life, The Page Yesterday is over, The Page future is blank, And Page today is being written. So write the best U can, Because on this Book,eraser doesn’t work. ***** Happy Week friend Take care Kismat ( Basiah )