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HAADEELELKH0LY 11 years ago
[size=24]Mornings are meant to be good. Make today not good, but great, because a great day starts with a good morning from those who love you as much as you love them[/size] [size=24]good morning[/size] :sun: :sun:

HAADEELELKH0LY 11 years ago
[size=24]The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us Only that day dawns to which we are awake There is more day to dawn The sun is but a morning star[/size] [size=24]GOOD MORNING[/size] :heart: :heart:

HAADEELELKH0LY 11 years ago
[size=24]thx for the add[/size]

333968 11 years ago
[size=24][i]Enjoy your day ... :shy2: :P TC :shy2:

333968 11 years ago
[size=18][b]HAVE A GOOD DAY TAKE CARE :heart:

333968 11 years ago
[size=18][b]Wishing you Have a wonderful day Peace ,, Enjoy ,,Happy TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF :shy2: :shy2: :shy2:

333968 11 years ago
[size=18][b]Happy FRIDAY & Take care :shy2: ___JEEP___:shy2: :heart:

MaoJonas 12 years ago
[size=18] [color=#ffffff]Don’t look for someone who will solve all your problems. Look for someone who won’t let you to face them alone.[/color]:) :note: :note: :note: :note: [color=#555555]“Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.”[/color] :) :note: :note: :note: :note: [color=#705b31]“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”[/color] :P :) :) :) :) [color=#705b31]“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.”[/color] :note: :) :) :) [color=#00aa00]“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”[/color] :D :adore: :adore: :) [color=#2746ff] “Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.”[/color] :hee: :heart: **** [color=#f0a2eb][b]~ᎷᏗᎧ©~[/b] [/color] [i] [size=24]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chitra39 12 years ago
[i][size=18] Bindas sone ka, Rapchik sapne dekhne ka, Bhoot ko nahi dekhne ka, Boleto… Aina nahi dekhne ka, Aur blanket odh ke fultus so jane ka, :p Boleto Good Night.:p

Chitra39 12 years ago
{“”}__{“”},*,¤,*,¤, ( ¤ APPY,*,¤, {__}”"{__},*,¤,*,¤, Göööööööööööd Gööööööööööd Göööööööööd Gööööööööd Göööööööd Gööööööd Göööööd Gööööd Göööd Gööd Gööd Gööd Göööd Gööööd Göööööd Gööööööd Gööööööööd Göööööööööööd ||||”"”"”\/””"””|||||||||| |||| ÖRNìNG ||||__/\__/\__|||||||||||| GööD MörNinG :sun:

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