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ope50 12 years ago
Hi miss u honey

shaa0007 13 years ago
[b]:heart:¤ A ¤ REAL ¤ man ¤ doesn't ¤ luv ¤ million ¤ girls"¤:heart:.He ¤ luvs ¤ one ¤ girl ¤ in ¤ million ¤ ways ¤ ¤- -:heart:[b]

shaa0007 13 years ago
[b] i Every"Sunset" Reduce 1"Day From"Life ! But Every"Sunrise" Give 1"More"Day To"Hope ! So, Hope"for The"Best" Happy"New"day Of"beautiful Life..[b]

shaa0007 13 years ago
congragulation ma zara:p

nishafai 13 years ago
hi hello... Am very happy today i got my passport

Shivanaidu78 13 years ago
Hi dear hw r u

Shivanaidu78 13 years ago
:p :sun: :p [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/43/48d2e7ab3783407f1e557a24913a07d7.gif[/img] :p [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/63/e16783d1e9e726c7b9b8f75cea9c9c8b.gif[/img] :p [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/e643072325a545fad9a8a61f30cedb48.jpg[/img] :p [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/8649cfce486aec828a7a6045997ab83c.gif[/img] :p [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/29/24957c6809bce99bda969e9b4202d194.gif[/img] :p keep smilling :P :p

shaa0007 13 years ago
[b]**MaKe a mInD WhIcH NeVeR mInDs... mAkE A HeArT WhIcH NeVeR hUrTs... mAkE A ToUcH WhIcH NeVeR pAiNs... MaKe a ‘ReLaTiOn’ wHiCh nEvEr 'EnDs'. In aNy reLAtIoNsHiP, tHe eSsEnCe oF TrUsT Is nOt iN ItS BiNd, AgE, cAsTe oR CrEeD. BuT In iTs bOnD... So hOlD ThE HaNd oF ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe... rAtHeR ThAn eXpEcTiNg tHeM To hOlD YoUrS...** EnJoY Ur bEaUtIfUL LifE WiTh cArE..sMiLe & LoVe...[b]

shaa0007 13 years ago
[size=24][i] [color=#aa00aa]Forget the times he walked by, Forget the times he made you cry, Forget the times he spoke your name, Remember now you are not the same. Forget the times he held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can, Forget the times & Don't pretend, Remember now he's just your Shaa...:sun:

shaa0007 13 years ago
[size=24][i] [color=#aa00aa]Forget the times he walked by, Forget the times he made you cry, Forget the times he spoke your name, Remember now you are not the same. Forget the times he held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can, Forget the times & Don't pretend, Remember now he's just your friend. jeda...:sun:

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