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gae732 11 years ago
m sitin today :) m sotired :p :p en teasing rishi :) bt i think he is at mad at me olready :) :)

killrseven2 11 years ago
haha..:but why you chose ths bad name :L to me you not bad girl at all :P you kind boo :shy2: no am really to lazy to wakeup :p wht you up to now :o ?

gae732 11 years ago
i cooke them well :) i made tht fish yummy crispy so i cn eat them all :p :p :p

gae732 11 years ago
U ddnt yet forget it :hee: poor fish but it taste so yummy :love: :love: though it hurts me :p :p

killrseven2 11 years ago
ops on the bed :p sowwy i cant see wjt am writing :p my eyes still sleepy :p aw aw..:p itss yoyr fault :p why you change you avatars pic :p

gae732 11 years ago
:hee: :hee: oooppppssss :o :o :o how du u know it :p i eat fish wth bones again:o :p :p

emogirl3 11 years ago
:hee: chat yo later nha um here bathrm doIn :shit::rofl: and aftr dat take a bath nah an go to church um gona pLay guitar and sing worship song um :shy2: nfrnt of crowd :L:rofl:

killrseven2 11 years ago
aww..:p its you boo :p haha..i though yoj another person :shy2: well tankz :p damn am still in my bed :p hehe :p sk how are ya boo :o ?

gae732 11 years ago
m back now boo:p done cooking at the same time done eating ma lunch to :p :p

emogirl3 11 years ago
mean gaL yo fooLin yr tweet :( :rofl:

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