LoVeMe33 13 years ago yUp.. it iS mA fAv s0ng.. :shy2: :shy2: dA mEl0dy iS repLayIng iN mA hEad.. l0l :hee: :hee:
LoVeMe33 13 years ago All those crazy thing you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
:note: :note: :note:
Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here
:note: :note: :note:
LoVeMe33 13 years ago cUte cUte hAnds0me wEi... :shy: :shy: :P
LoVeMe33 13 years ago wh0 cAres.. I sTilL lUv dEm.. :P :P :P
LoVeMe33 13 years ago sUperB ehhhhhh.. :p :p i lUv th0mAs jAck :D
LoVeMe33 13 years ago yEaH.. i liKe tAt to0.. l0l u eVen wr0te d0wn dA lyRicS.. hAhAhA :p