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Decoasto 13 years ago
[b]:sun:Gud m¤rn¡n:sun: jaanu hv a beaut¡ful day:hee: tc:heart:[b]
Prem3648 13 years ago
:sun:mrng kendy:sun:
TheLastBoyOnEARTH 13 years ago
ok babe.. Tc see yo later.. :D sleep well.. Goodnight..
Decoasto 13 years ago
i'm feel a lil tired nw,, i'll tok wit ya 2mrw charmz N thanXx fo replyn "annyonghi jumuseyo" tc:shy2:
TheLastBoyOnEARTH 13 years ago
nah babe.. Its just de weather.. But i'm not actually sick.. :D and yeah i just had dinner and yo babe? :o
Decoasto 13 years ago
Yah.. Did ya calld me?:$ :hee:
TheLastBoyOnEARTH 13 years ago
i'm too fine.. Just little feverish.. But not too much.. :D
TheLastBoyOnEARTH 13 years ago
yor not ill, r yo? :o [img]http://wfiles.brothersoft.com/c/chen-l-cg-girls_73927-1024x768.jpg[/img]
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