Firdous28 13 years ago ([b][i][red]Click for more Smiley Flash scraps)
WorldBestboY 13 years ago YuP i know U r loNely:hee:Coz Ur Id:pbUt uR name doesNt meanS Dat:p IndEr:o Oye:@:p
pansi37 13 years ago Gud Morng Rom ! Hw r u ? Hv a Sweet day t c...!
TAMANA007 13 years ago .-""-. ARe you ยค( '.' ) waiting =(,,)(,,)= foR my !!!!!!!!!! . Morning WISH ? SO SWEET How can I foRget to say you...! Asalam O Alaikum and "GOOD MORNING":heart: nd tm h0te kaha ho pagalo k pagal:o
Cool2027 13 years ago [size=24]RoMeO gOoD nIgHT :smile: HaVe A gReAt n SWeEt DrEaM:P SLeEP TiGhT:) SeE u TOmOrRoW mY dEaR fRiEnD:D
WorldBestboY 13 years ago Oye:oy ur juliet far 4rm U:(:p I am fyn:hee:gud9t swtdrmz:hee:
WorldBestboY 13 years ago Oye Inder:otanx 4 signing:p i am doing Gr8 n fyn:hee: U teLL:o have a GreatdaY:hee::heart: Oye U found Ur Juliet:o or Ur julliet sleeping:hee:
taniya8612 13 years ago Movemnt is the greatest gift in world..bcz u cnt giv same movmnt again 2 once u give it..dat person cant 4gt u ever..taniya..
Cool2027 13 years ago my dear frnd ROMEO gud morning to u too.Have a nice and sweet day.