RajveerO 12 years ago u r wlcm:p:p
c yah Soon:p:p
take cere :heart:
RajveerO 12 years ago [img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/12/159960/159960.gif[/img]
If I know what love is, it is because of
you. For the last 24 hrs, 1440 minutes, 86400
seconds, I’ve missed you.
There are three steps to complete
happiness – you, me and our hearts for
If I could describe you in one word, I
would call you my life.
RajveerO 12 years ago :heart:[img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc/01/13691/13691.gif[/img]:heart:
To bE HoNeSt wItH YoU, i dO NoT HaVe tHe wOrDs tO MaKe yOu fEeL BeTtEr, BuT I Do hAvE ThE ArMs tO GiVe yOu a hUg, EaRs tO LiStEn tO WhAtEvEr yOu wAnT To tAlK AbOuT, aNd i hAvE A HeArT ThAt iS AcHiNg tO SeE YoU SmIlE AgAiN.
RajveerO 12 years ago :heart:[img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc2/01/174018/174018.jpg[/img]:heart:
←.•• eVeRy hOuR I ThInK Of yOu, EvErY MiNuTe i tHiNk oF YoU, eVeRy sEcOnD I ThInK Of yOu, I LiVe fOr yOu aNd i dIe fOr yOu..••→