Sakura303 12 years ago
[size=24]Have a beautiful day
miss u dear bro :)
[size=24],,,SakurĂ ,,,[/size]
Sakura303 12 years ago
"Advance Happy New Year 2012!"
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* [/size]
"May your New Year sparkle and shine!!"
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* [/size]
"May every day of the year 2012 glow with good cheer and Happiness For you & your beloved.
Happy New Year!"
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* [/size]
"Wish you a prosperous, blissful, awesome, peppy and cheerful new year.
Have a blast. Cheers!!"
"Hope the New Year bring you lots of reasons to smile."
[b]Warm New Year Wishes from
:shy2: :shy2: :shy2:
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* [/size]
Nurfarhad 12 years ago I'm jUsT HaTeInG It.. WhAt EvEr gOiNg oN wItH mE... WhY aLl ThE tImE Me kHuDa....
Nurfarhad 13 years ago No OnE cArEssssssssss.................. wHaT YoU tHiNk.... aBoUt yOuR BeLoVeD PeRsOn..............................
I knW ThERee Is No FoLT Of OuR FeeLiNgSssssSSSsssssssssssssssss...................................:(:(:(:(:,( :,( :,( :,( :,( :,( :,(
Nurfarhad 13 years ago Gyes plz stay conected with me m just missing u all. :heart:
Sakura303 13 years ago [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][size=24]Sakura[/size][img][/img] :$
Nurfarhad 13 years ago Com on guys u can send me msg atlist..