Sanasana2 13 years ago [b]GoOd mOrNiNg...:) Hv A sWeEt...Nd LoVeLy.....DaY...:shy2:[img][/img]TaKe CArE...:P
Tinku0013 13 years ago [color=#c20000][size=24][i][b]MY EYES STILL WAITING FOR YOU......:( :( :( :( :( [/b] [/i] [/size] [/color]
:( :( :(
:( :( :(
DEVENDER09 13 years ago We can always loose "sumthng" for "sum1" but we should not loose "sum1" for "sumthng" bcoz, life can return that "SOMETHING" but not that "SOMEONE". Good morning and have a full fun friday:D:D:D:D:D:sun:
Sanasana2 13 years ago :shy2:[b]good morning nd ...[img][/img][b]EnJoY:)[img][/img]
Syam44 13 years ago Thnx 4 ur frnd request bro :D nice to b as your friend .gud ni8 ,take care dear frnd :heart: