zizo202 13 years ago [img]http://albom.qatarw.com/data/media/53/desi%20girl%20(27).jpg[/img]
JustILU 13 years ago [img]http://ytap.picsrc.net/ytpr/upim/Nov042010/UTTKVZWNLIjorpzpmavl1288876931557.png[/img]
“I may not be with you…!!!
But “My thinking …!!! “My care …!!!
“My prayers, & “My lovely wishes are
“always” with you …!!!
!!!…”GOOD MORNING MY FRIEND”…!!![/size]
There's a secret password that you're going to need
to know when you reach the pearly gates of heaven.
Only you can't simply recite the password,
you have to speak it with the heart.
So make sure that you
remember it and have a lot of it within
if you hope to get in.
The word is Love! JUSTILU
JustILU 13 years ago [color=#08e2f0]
It makes my day when I see you smile,
it makes my day when I hear you laugh,
it makes my day when you come to mind,
and it just makes my day to know that
Still I have you in my friendlist ,
you are one in a million to me .. !!
I Lub you friend[/color] :heart: :heart:
[color=#2746ff]Life is like race between cat rat
but rat mostly wins ,
bcz cat run for food rat runs for life.
purpose is more important than need.[/color]
[color=#00aa00]wishing you a pleasant night[/color]
[color=#00aa00] SILU [/color]
champion35 13 years ago glitter-graphics.com
my dear angel
tino42 13 years ago Image UploadGoogle HomepagesNames and MeaningsImage SharingQuotes PlanetMeaning Of Names
tino42 13 years ago Image HostingGoogle Start PagesQuotes Planet
champion35 13 years ago glitter-graphics.comglitter-graphics.com
zizo202 13 years ago More Emo Graphics CommentsMore Emo Graphics CommentsMore Emo Graphics Comments
cutestud 13 years ago thats very sweet of u , angkasa :)
tino42 13 years ago Image HostingQuotes and QuotationsNames and MeaningsFree Image HostingGoogle HomepageFunny Quotes