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chammu44 13 years ago
how how hOW r u

akshay7814u 13 years ago
hello.......how r u ?

anu324 13 years ago

SyedAmeen91 13 years ago

suhaan153 13 years ago
In LiFe, GOD DoEsN't gIVe yOu tHe PeOpLe yOu wANt. InStEaD HE gIvEs yOu tHe PeOpLe yOu nEEd tO tEaCh yOu, tO hURt yOu, tO LoVe yOu and tO mAKe yOu eXaCtLy tHe wAy yOu ShOuLd bE!!! So hAvE tRuSt oN GOD. gOOd mOrNiNg dEAr & hAvE A gReAt DaY aHeAd...!!! [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-33GLVGRalY0/TZIx6XwdwxI/AAAAAAAAAw4/xUVkR8FeqOc/s1600/Friends-forever-card-4.jpg[/img]

sweetheart13 13 years ago

Anuj3126 13 years ago
Cute Graphics Cute Graphics Cute Graphics Cute Graphics Cute Graphics Cute Graphics Cute Graphics Cute Graphics

suhaan153 13 years ago
ThE mOSt SeLfISH oNe LeTteR wORd 'I', AvOiD iT. ThF mOSt sAtIsFyInG tWo LeTtEr wORd 'WE', UsE iT. ThE mOSt pOiSoNoUs tHrEe LeTtEr wORd 'EGO', KiLL iT. ThE mOSt uSEd fOUr LeTtEr wORd 'LOVE', VaLuE iT!!! GooD aFtErNoOn DeaR & hAVe A FaBuLoUs :sun: DaY aHeAd...!!! [img]http://123glitter.com/comments-graphics/file/7751.gif[/img]

suhaan153 13 years ago
Good Morning Dear. Have A Pleasant Day Ahead...!!! [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bcLQaH_yZJE/SEGFH4-5_JI/AAAAAAAAACs/LV6ietjF29g/s400/good+morning+2.jpg[/img]

suhaan153 13 years ago
mA wIsH fOr hEr... "bEfOrE I dIe, I wISh tO dOnAtE mA bLoOd to hEr. sO tHAt AtLeAsT mA bLoOd cOuLd tOuCh HER HeArT wHeRe I cOuLdN't". [img]http://cdn.pimpmyspace.org/media/pms/c/sf/f0/0p/emo-13.jpg[/img]

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