Ivi71 12 years ago and now do you have facebook ? :smile:
mariusrap91 12 years ago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Xcp0JAEGIc
mariusrap91 12 years ago lol... really funny, i tryed to make a facebook acc. and surprise.. on my email address i already had one wthout knowing that i already got it :hee::hee:
SoUnCool 12 years ago Ahaha I still want tu knOw mOre and ill find out by myself :p :p .. And yes we are humans, and life cOuld make sOme like stOnes, and I'm telling yOu by nOw, don't waste yOur energy of scaribg me cuz it aint wOrk :hee: :hee: :p .. And noo I'm not hallucinating, your trying tu drive me crazy , yOu did talked abOut the rapping thing and rape=gOing wild :hee: :p so I'm 100% sure of wat yOu said :p
SoUnCool 12 years ago Yeah darling yOu will see, how ima gonna roll it :p :p ..ima mOre nOw tu know wat’s in yOur mind and heart :hee: :p ima goooo deep tu your worldddddd darliiii :D ;p :p .. and noooo babe ima so solid like a rock , no One can scares me :p :p :p .. P;S I still believe tht sOme ppl can take a control over their drinks, no matter hOw much they drink, it still can’t effect them, cuz tht’s wat I see, :D :hee: while other can’t be immune as yOu said, and tht’s wat yOu see as well :p :p … yeah yOu mentiOned the wild thing, in indirect way -_-!! So dOn’t make me fool :* :* :*