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tarekttoty 9 years ago
Google Themes Healthy Foods Online Image Hosting Search Images Image Search Engine

tarekttoty 9 years ago
Change Your Homepage Google Homepage Themes Free Image Bank All about Acne Google Themes

samsehdev 9 years ago

Riyaz01 9 years ago
:heart: :heart: :heart: :) :heart: :heart: :heart:

llg184 9 years ago
:sun: :sun: :sun: [size=24][b]My Thank You[/b] [/size] [size=14]You've always been there, making sure I was o.k. The one that helped me be, the kind of person I am today. I'll never be able to repay you, for all that you have done for me. Knowing that I'd need someone, when I'd fall and scrape my knee. You are my big sister, one that I admire most. I will always be thankful, having a sister like you makes me boast. Not to mention those times, when boys were boys. And you were always the first one, to help me regain my poise. You understand me, like only a sister can. And when I'm upset and not talking, you always just give me your hand. Now you're getting married, and your life will soon be complete. But I will always come to you, whenever I feel defeat. So this is my attempt, at thanking you for what you've done. Because in my book you'll always be, my sister, number one![/size] :sun: :sun: :sun: :shy2: llg :shy2:

alien2012 9 years ago
How are you?

alien2012 9 years ago
Good morning heartB :)

alien2012 9 years ago
Oops! I will speak English :smile:

alien2012 9 years ago
Ok... I will speak hindi. :) so you are basically from fillipians ?

alien2012 9 years ago
Profile* :D

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