Bappo60 13 years ago Friends are like a shoes, some loose some tight, some fit just right, they help u as u walk through life. thanks for being my size!:heart::heart:
Bappo60 13 years ago Frndshp r more strong if hav u this password! It is 'Sharing':heart:
Bappo60 13 years ago :heart:instal me ur heart 4ever.
Bappo60 13 years ago There is nothng more important in lyf than frndshp.
Bappo60 13 years ago With luv & patience,, nothng is impossible...
Bappo60 13 years ago Your doctor's advice: Drink more water, take vitamins, sleep early, always relax...but keep on texting me!
Bappo60 13 years ago Shining moon,, Shining na8,, shining dream,, shining mind,, shining feelings,, shining life,, so why not u r my shining frnd... I Luv U coz u r bring my life shining:heart::heart:t.c.:heart::shy2:TANJID:shy2:
Bappo60 13 years ago Luv makes evrytng luvly:heart:
Bappo60 13 years ago The first duty of frndshp - is to sent u gb & mind u:heart: