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Collen34 11 years ago
how r u miss charm

gerzkie09 11 years ago
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mariobros188 11 years ago
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Raj66570 11 years ago
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pravin143s 11 years ago
A friend like you is like no other friend Your a friend i dont regret meeting A friend i cant scream at or fight with A friend like you is like having no worries in my life, A friend that i dont want to lose, A friend i always wanted, A friend like you is random and funny, A friend like you is a friend that i love to death and i will never let go, A friend like you i can tell all my secrets to. A friend like you A friend like you is like the little sister ive always wanted, A friend like you is like having no dark days because you brighten them up, A friend that opens up my eyes and helps me in times ofdepression and sadness, A friend like you is a type of friend that laughs at dumb things i say or do, A friend like you is a friend i am proud to call my best friend and for you I would give my life. No matter what. You are my friend, and I lov u.

mariobros188 11 years ago
[img][img]Photo SharingGoogle Homepage Get More From http://www.comment365.com [/img] [img]Image HostWeight Loss TipsFree Games[/img][/img]

Collen34 11 years ago

Collen34 11 years ago
hi miss charmie gharm:shy2:

pravin143s 11 years ago
Our friendship started many yearsago. Where the days have gone I don't know, But when I think of all we've done I stop and smile because we've had such fun. I hope you know how much I care. It's friends like you who create a pair. I wish I were closer to share your happiness; But near or far, I wouldn't miss All the things you have to share. I hope you know I am always here. I know it is harder being miles away, But always remember this when I say, "Our friendship is a treasure Well beyond any measure. "

mariobros188 11 years ago
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