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Asad1138 11 years ago
[b]Good Morning Have a Nice Day:sun:

Asad1138 11 years ago
[b]bahi sorry na yar movied dekh raha tha belkol end tha es waja se late reply Naraz mat Ho Good night sweet dreamzzzz:sleeping:[/b]

Asad1138 11 years ago
[b][size=18] Smile - It makes a world of difference . Dance - Who knows when you won't be able to . Cry - Holding those emotions in is bad for you . Hug - Helps you and helps another . Laugh - What's the point in hiding happiness ? Live - Because life is everything . :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

NOMI8785 11 years ago
:sun::sun::sun: [size=24]"G"Ö"Ö"D"""MÖRNÏNG"[/size] :sun::sun::sun: :thumb::thumb::thumb: [size=24]"HÄVË"A"NÏCË"DÄY"[/size] :thumb::thumb::thumb: :shy::shy::shy: [size=24]"TÄKË CÄRË[/size] :shy::shy::shy: :heart: [size=18]"JÜMMÄ MÜBBRÄK"[/size] :heart: :heart: [size=24]N[/size] :heart: [size=24]Ö[/size] :heart: [size=24]M[/size] :heart: [size=24]Ï[/size] :heart:

MuFti15 11 years ago
The m0rE We start LikinG s0mebuddy...:) The m0re We Fear L0sinG thEm...:( It'z A humAn Tendency B'c0z wE can't Afford t0 L0sE A pErs0n ch0sen am0nG milli0ns....:D :sun: GuD m0rng :sun: :D HavE A W0unDerFul Day :D

Keetika 11 years ago
YEH GALIYAN YE CHOBARA:heart: YAHA AANA NA DOBARA AB HM TOH HUE PARDESI KE TERA YAHA KOI NHI :):heart: tAkE cArE bhai allahafis rabb rakha :) miss yew a lot veeray :heart: bye

NOMI8785 11 years ago
:heart::heart::heart::heart:Image HostGoogle HomepageNames Meanings:heart::heart::heart::heart:

MuFti15 11 years ago
A Lovable Person Is A Medicine 4 Any Kind Of Pain.... But There Is No Medicine Available In The World 4 Pain Given By Lovable Person:) GuD nyt:sleeping: TakE Care:waveyellow:

ownworld74 11 years ago
Milna Bichadna Sab Kismat Ka Khel Hai; Kahin Nafrat Kahin Dilon Ka Mel Hai; Bik Jata Hai Har Rishta Duniya Mein; Sirf Dosti Hi Yahan "Not For Sale" Hai! :shy::shy::p

ownworld74 11 years ago
Of all the friends I’ve ever met. Your the one I won’t forget.And if I die before you do I’ll go to hell and wait for you. :p:p:p:p

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