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Love24x7 13 years ago
[img]http://www.sundancedesigns.net/comeback.JPG[/img] :,( :,( :,( :,( :,( :,( :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :spin: :spin: :spin: :( :( :mad: SO FAST

Love24x7 13 years ago
[img]http://www.sundancedesigns.net/comeback.JPG[/img] :,( :,( :,( :,( :,( :,( :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :spin: :spin: :spin: :( :( :mad: SO FAST

Handan1 14 years ago
[img]http://www.imageurlhost.com/images/kcc6v4zb5m3kl31hbhn3.gif[/img] [img]http://www.imageurlhost.com/images/nqu01z70n1cilb7j.gif[/img] [img]http://www.imageurlhost.com/images/wsccv62gk23iejii8m95.gif[/img]

Handan1 14 years ago
[size=18][i][b]Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself But if your love and must needs have desires, Let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook That sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart And give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer For the beloved in your heart And a song of praise upon your lips. [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-11-2010-755kwob1.gif[/img] :heart: [img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/1135/x12tulb0q931751469.png[/img] [img]http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/7136/missingsomeonebyazlehs.jpg[/img] :heart:

Handan1 14 years ago
[img]http://www.imagedisk.net/images/itmyxdyon5m5lg65vci9.gif[/img] :heart: [img]http://www.imagedisk.net/images/bnev3rirhomv1dlqi0oh.jpg[/img] :heart: [img]http://www.imagedisk.net/images/itmyxdyon5m5lg65vci9.gif[/img]

Handan1 14 years ago
[size=18][b][i] [img]http://www.imagedisk.net/images/dk4fok2uvqfgvinhfwfe.gif[/img] :heart: I also dnt knw..when I'd come here! take care yr self too :heart: [img]http://www.imagedisk.net/images/brd5lct1t5e29fo20jwj.gif[/img] :heart: [img]http://www.imagedisk.net/images/xu6mkcbho8a59tfzxyuk.gif[/img] [img]http://www.imagedisk.net/images/9d2ru7isxevdn2gal7w.gif[/img]

Handan1 14 years ago
[img]http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/59/71258365.gif[/img] [img]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_toVYjeiEqpA/THuq362qG7I/AAAAAAAADOw/1bHULSHK6Zw/alone_13.jpg[/img] :heart: [img]http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/218/xx37.gif[/img]

Handan1 14 years ago
[img]http://www44.ownskin.com/webtemp/sktmp07Laj1f45676/94VII3eS.gif[/img] [img]http://www44.ownskin.com/webtemp/sktmp07Laj1f45676/F2x0z3JR.gif[/img]

Handan1 14 years ago

Handan1 14 years ago

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