TAMANA007 10 years ago have shweeeeeeeeeeeet dreamz dear :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
thendral12 10 years ago “ You can talk
with someone for
years, everyday, and
still, it won't mean as
much as what you
can have when you
sit in front of
someone, not saying
a word, yet you feel
that person with your
heart, you feel like
you have known the
person for forever....
connections are made
with the heart, not
the tongue.
thendral12 10 years ago /\""\
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sweet dreams....
The moon is sailing in sky,
with out any noise or shy,
she comes at night,
but looks so bright,
she never comes at
noon,and disappears soon.
thendral12 10 years ago [size=24]Happy birthday krish[/size] [color=#00aa00]happy birthday[/color]
thendral12 10 years ago May your birthday
and every day be filled
with the warmth of
sunshine, the happiness of
smiles, the sounds of
laughter, the feeling of
love and the sharing of
good cheer.
I hope you have a
wonderful day and that
the year ahead is filled
with much love, many
wonderful surprises and
gives you lasting
memories that you will
cherish in all the days
ahead. Happy Birthday.
On this special
day, i wish you all the very
best, all the joy you can
ever have and may you be
blessed abundantly today,
tomorrow and the days to
come! May you have a
fantastic birthday and
many more to come...
They say that you
can count your true
friends on 1 hand - but
not the candles on your
birthday cake!
Celebrate your
birthday today. Celebrate
being Happy every day.
May your birthday
be filled with many happy
hours and your life with
many happy birthdays.
thendral12 10 years ago Happy birthday krish :D ,
GO and enjoy the day..
If anybdy make u sad,inform me,i wil finish him :p :p
thendral12 10 years ago Ok buddy,happie birthday once again..
Bye take care of yourself :D
thendral12 10 years ago OMG today is your birthday..
Happy birthday krish..
May god bless u with all good wealth and health..
Be happy,keep smiling :D ..
Its ur birthday,enjoy the day darling :heart: :heart: :heart:
thendral12 10 years ago Which is your favourite song? :P