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a92341 12 years ago
nant call lah ye..btl..aus xtipu..cume btri je hbs..aus x prasan...sori ye..:,(
a92341 12 years ago
try call..:hee:
a92341 12 years ago
hahaha..ptut la sunyi je tpn..xde btri..hahaha..
a92341 12 years ago
jap2...btri hbs,..hehe..yg nie tpn utk on9 je..hehe..blh guna wireless..
Niazana 12 years ago
Awk tol kew 2 no awk.asal nia col x pick up?? :(
a92341 12 years ago
a92341 12 years ago
a92341 12 years ago
hye nia..slamat malam..dah mkn ke..?hehe..yg paling pnting..dah mandi ke.?:p:
Niazana 12 years ago
Ye awk..bz kew skunk ney???:)
a92341 12 years ago
okeh2.,mlm nant blh..hehe..bye2 nia :heart: :p:
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