Ofra10 11 years ago
:sun: My dear friend,
:sun: I bring you a smile and wishes of health,love,joy and good comfort.
:sun: Thank you for your visit on my site, greetings and gifts in my guestbook.
:heart: :shy2: :heart: :)
danelfiriel 11 years ago Always drive carefully because accidents may happen...
Always be careful when you are on the street
because accidents may happen even if they are not caused by you...
Somebody left a couple of days ago...
He was just 25...
It wasn't his fault but he is gone now....
and nothing can bring him back....
A candle for his memory...
Yuni03 11 years ago :sun: :heart: GOOD MORNING :heart: :sun:
keep :) n aLways take care
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Yuni03 11 years ago :) Good nite my brother :)
have a nice sLeep :heart:
:heart: take care :heart:
daisy089 11 years ago [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/984117_255441234595331_360177137_n.jpg[/img]
rainydayslover 11 years ago hey, hey, you.. :o
don't fell sad, unhappy, tired, ill, or anything make you not excited
please, please friend... rise up
don't make yourself worse
i never want to see you sad and crying
please, give me your smile
once only
:smile: :smile: :smile:
i hope you always happy everyday
:heart: :heart: TAKE CARE :heart: :heart:
shemi02 11 years ago
[i][size=24][color=#00aa00]The more you are like yourself,
the less you are like anyone else,
which makes you unique...[/i][/size][/color]