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faco09 11 years ago
This is a reality that looks like stupidity untill you accept responsibility u can not become a celebrity,it is your acceptability an connectivity to the at divinity that determine your productivity,Let me advice,let us live from sexuallity because it is an act of immorality before the almighty.the devil is suffering from insanenitythat is why he wants to cause an enemity between u and almighty to commite iniquity. As for u they is an immunity that is passing like electricity for your sercurity against satanic stupidity.you see principality and calamity with poverty they are satanic stupidity to strive you from your dignity but if you embrace spirituallity,intergrety, pontually, reguality,and accountability you will surelly have prosperity. You are not a nonentity, you have the ability and the capacity to distroy majucrity and become a celebrity.

Menna28 11 years ago
i was talking about the name of your profile!

Menna28 11 years ago
good luck with that!! By the way, you can be yourself once again just if u want to....

faco09 11 years ago
No am not an actor but that is my dream to be an actor someday cause.... I.... Have the talent

Menna28 11 years ago
do i know u??? You look familiar...are u an actor or something???

Menna28 11 years ago
so you are a phycologist or what??

Menna28 11 years ago
thank u. But how could u know that??

faco09 11 years ago
I guess dat anything that happend to a man is woman Becaus women have power of imcumbency

faco09 11 years ago
If things dos not go right try going left.

faco09 11 years ago
Remember you can't achieve much more on the outside than what you have achieved on the inside.

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