chicanaloqa 12 years ago okay good night :)
take care dont angry with ma husband :L
bcos hes feel not well now hope yu understand :)
byee good night :)
chicanaloqa 12 years ago yah i seen that movie no dont do that aru yu just wait God give yur prize :)
chicanaloqa 12 years ago aru i understand yur feeling bcos it that happen fo me hope not :: thats also my feel
yu right force to him to come back its not good idea better yu give him free i know its so hard but yu need to do
bcos yu only to suffer that pain no 1 cant help only yurself the more he far even he with yu its like a knife to deep wound in yur heart
so btter yu move on and try to enjoy yur life in real and find a boy in real to i sure yu will be happy :)
don't chase him but if he realize and he love yu and he saw yu yu desrving him and he is yur destiny hes come back with yu with love so aru yu wait what yur gift from the God all happen not fast to get yu just wait make sure is perfect :)
and yu forgot all the pain but i know its so hard but aru yu need to do it
chicanaloqa 12 years ago yu know fo me i hate both bcos know have some1 affective and hurting but both do it they dont have some1 hurt :L
but i won't say yu do wrong yu have good heart bcos yu cant hate but sometime yu need to fight fo yur self
but he is not deserving to waste yur life with him bcos yur win yu can find more than him and deserving than him
but yu can wait the right time aru God give that guy with yu bcos yu have a good heart :)
chicanaloqa 12 years ago yah i clear to him already maybe he will be okay tomorrow
i never leave him and i know he never leave me to its a little problem
unlike before its natural every couple have jealous moment bcos we feel love true
jealous is part of love bcos i love him so much