Shoaibie 12 years ago - More Eid Ul Adha Comments - More Eid Ul Adha Comments - More Eid Ul Adha Comments
Aticos 12 years ago [url=][img][/img][/url]
Take Care...
hansxpeter 12 years ago :thumb: i'm fine too. You're busy these days?
Yoona1493 12 years ago Dance is a wonderful blend of music and sport...
Dance is a way for someone to express what she feels...
Dance can make people feel as free as butterflies are flying high in the sky, so let's dance and make you free...
prem765 12 years ago [size=24]When i die, you can give away my organs but i don't recommend the heart because it's broken.
It's really hurt, you can barely breathe, it's like you're drowning and no body gonna save you.
You break my heart, you break it into pieces. you breaking my heart my love.
Is it ironic to felt hurt in this way? Is it possible how truly hurt you are until you can even smile?
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(