Handan1 12 years ago
gift0101 12 years ago [i][b][img]http://www.imageurlhost.com/images/c4hbgpsximfz0i3z8igg.gif[/img]
An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere. The pessimist sees only the red light. But the truly wise person is color blind.
:heart: Have A Great Time!:heart:
:heart: With Love, :heart:
Alice990 12 years ago [b]Colourful Friday! [/b]
:heart: A :heart: L :heart: I :heart: C :heart: E :heart:
gift0101 12 years ago [i]
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Enjoy Weekend!
stay safe,take care.
With Love,
:heart: Gift:heart:
gift0101 12 years ago [i]Goodnight...take care,
miss you.. michale:)
thank you.
with love,
:heart: Gift:heart:
gift0101 12 years ago [i]Goodnight...take care,
thank you.
with love,
:heart: Gift:heart:
Handan1 12 years ago [img]http://www.imageurlhost.com/images/6ilhhs6ygt14f7dwu9hj.jpg[/img]
Handan1 12 years ago [img]http://www.picamatic.com/show/2012/01/05/03/47/8145146_375x78.gif[/img]
giffyup 12 years ago [size=18][img]http://www.imageurlhost.com/images/v2itpr4lnnbaj1zch863.gif[/img]
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Handan1 12 years ago [img]http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll183/bluelonly/sanjeev%20imege/sk/dvider/gold019.gif[/img]