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Collen34 11 years ago
Luvly hrs ahead miss.charm tc:shy2:

pravin143s 11 years ago
The white sun fell while the Sun was down. When the Sun rose the white sun started to fall. In the light the white sun became many suns Red suns, Blue suns, Green suns, Any Color suns. Until the light from the Sun was to much, and the white sun disappeared forever. But what was left, hidden under the blinding light of the white sun was Life.

pravin143s 11 years ago
I could skip a heartbeat, and I would survive, I could be in a car crash, and still be alive. The clouds could fall out of the sky, The oceans could disappear, and all turn dry. These things in life are all bad I know, but there's far worse things, just thought you should know. Life would not be the same without someone like you, You're there when I need you to help me through. Through the good times and through the bad, Be them happy, or be them sad. I don't have to be with you, to knowyou're there, We don't have to see each other, to know that we care. We could be apart for years upon end, and still remain the best of friends. Life goes on, and people change, And through it all, our friendship shall remain the same. That's such as a life, and how things come to be. Just thought you should know, HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO ME.

pravin143s 11 years ago
We are Friends I got your back You got mine, I'll help you out Anytime! To see you hurt To see you cry Makes me weep And wanna die And if you agree To never fight It wouldn't matter Who’s wrong or right If a broken heart Needs a mend I'll be right there Till the end If your cheeks are wet From drops of tears Don't worry Let go of your fears Hand in hand Love is sent, We'll be friends Till the end!!!!

pravin143s 11 years ago
I still remember the first day we met We were too shy to say much at all It's funny to think back to that time Because now we're having a ball! They say that true friendship is rare An adage that I believe to be true Genuine friendship is something that I cherish I am so lucky to have met you. Our bond is extremely special It is unique in it's own way We have something irreplaceable I love you more and more each day. We've been through so much together In so little time we've shared I will never forget all the moments that you've shown me how much you cared. Friends are forever Especially the bond that you and I possess I love your fun-filled personality Somehow you never fail to impress. The world could use more people like you it would certainly be a better place I love everything about you You are someone I could never replace. You are always there for me When my spirits need a little lift I cannot thank you enough for that You are truly an extraordinary gift. You are everything to me and more I could never express that enough Life is such a treacherous journey, and Without you it would be even more tough. Our story will continue to grow With each passing day Because I trust that with you by my side Everything will always be Okay. You are so dear to me You know I will love you until the end I will always be there for you, and You will always (and forever) be my best friend.

pravin143s 11 years ago
I cant stand the pain Me and you, Just Friends No, no I hate those dreadful words Just Friends I know there is more to us than Just Friends Maybe, its not ture Maybe, the love I have for you isnot what you have for me So we can only be Just friends Oh God those awful words again, Just Friends, I'll be waiting for you to think of me as More than Friends But until that day comes I'll stay to being Just Friends...

Collen34 11 years ago
Av a great dae my dear tc

Collen34 11 years ago
Yup..askn u to join me:p

Collen34 11 years ago
:dance2: :shy2: :p

pravin143s 11 years ago
I have a good friend that lives near a pond, She's a friend I can depend on, She's the best ever, We're both kind of clever, She's a friend and always to be. We like some same stuff, She's pretty tough, We may be diffrent ages, And we've gone through diffrent stages, But a friend and always to be, She's hispanic, I'm organic, {Im white} We're a lot the same, But we both can be a pain, But a friend and always to be, We live in diffrent places, I gotta get braces, But we're friends and friends to forever be!

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