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kristenjee 13 years ago

astrub 13 years ago
imagenes para hi5

Rahul310 13 years ago
[b][size=14] [color=#d09537] Not a day goes by.... :$ :$ Not a day goes by That I don't think of you, and miss you. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder how you are and hope that you're happy. Not a day goes by That doesn't have a sad moment because you're no longer in my life. Not a day goes by that I don't remember the very special person I thought you were. Not a day goes by that I don't remember how we laughed and loved together. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder where and how we lost all that we had. Not a day goes by that I don't send a hug your way, to start your morning right. Not a day goes by that I don't care, still, no matter what you're feeling now. Not a day goes by that I don't ask God, why.. why am I still here, caring for you. And not a day goes by that He doesn't smile back at me, and tell me it's where my heart lives. Not a day goes by that I don't care for you, still. Not a day or an hour or a minute goes by. [/color][/size] [/b] :$ :heart: :heart: :heart: :$

Rahul310 13 years ago
[b][size=14][color=#cccc00] ********************************** Some days are cold and dark. * Some make us feel so alone. * Some days are hard to understand. * On those days God knew we'd need * an extra hug or two. * So he gave us friends. * So that we would always have * an angel close when we needed one. * ******************************************** [/color][/size] [/b]

Rahul310 13 years ago
[b][size=14] [color=#b1acef] In the silence of night when the voices are few! ... I pray to God to takecare of U ... when the stars are shining and the flowers are dew! ...I pray to God to takecare of U... when the sun is sleeping and the clouds are in queue! ...I pray to God to takecare of U ... [/size][/color] [/b] :heart: :heart: :heart:

Rahul310 13 years ago

Rahul310 13 years ago

Rahul310 13 years ago

Rahul310 13 years ago

Rahul310 13 years ago
[b][size=14][color=#00aa00] Love Means... (A girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle) Girl: Slow down. I'm scared. Guy: No this is fun. Girl: No its not. Please, it's too scary! Guy: Then tell me you love me. Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. (Girl hugs him) Guy: Can u take my helmet off and put it on? It's bugging me. In the paper the next day: A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on the motorcycle, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his breaks broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him, felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so she would live even though it meant he would die. [/color][/size] [/b]

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