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serizawan 11 years ago
[b]may your joys be as bright as the morning, and your sorrows merely be shadows that fade in the sunlight of love, may you have enough happiness to keep you sweet, enough trials to keep you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to keep you dreaming, [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-uZC0yFvdnHw/T4YQtUwyG1I/AAAAAAAAAzM/Gbn9pVwVtkc/s1600/bread-good-morning-heart-jam-photography-Favim.com-146350.jpg[/img] good morning, :sun: have a beautiful sunday, :smile:[/b]

kitting83 11 years ago
:sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun: :sun:

serizawan 11 years ago
[b]wishing you, a day as sunny as your smile, as warm as your heart, a day as wonderful as you are, good morning, :sun: have a good weekend, :shy2:[/b]

serizawan 11 years ago
[b]good morning, :sun: have a good day, :smile:[/b]

serizawan 11 years ago
[b]i hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day, and if you are not,just know that in every new minute that passes you have an opportunity to change that, good morning, :sun: have a good day, :smile:[/b]

serizawan 11 years ago
good night, :P :p :sleeping:

kitting83 11 years ago
tuuh betis kasih bom kali yah, bisa mledak :)

kitting83 11 years ago
kalo pake becak? :p

kitting83 11 years ago
ya pokok nya jaln yg buat lewat, wkwkwk :rofl: deket Junction gga?

kitting83 11 years ago
ohh kranggan .. Yg deket jalan kan?

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