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belazuri 12 years ago
DesiComments.com | Good Morning | Forward this Picture

Saf925 12 years ago
:sun: :smile: GooD MorninG Sam :smile: :sun: WelcomE BacK Dear FrienD :smile: :shy: :smile:

naserhejaji50 12 years ago
You are too sweet!

naserhejaji50 12 years ago
How are you friend?

ALPEREN3 12 years ago
[img]http://g1204.hizliresim.com/w/m/4nbw7.gif"[/img] [size=18][color=#c20000]♣:heart:♥ Sweet Dreams, My Friend ♠:heart:♣[/color] [/size] [size=18]♣:heart:♥ Good Night, Take Care ♠:heart:♣[/size]

JitO1 12 years ago
[b][size=24][color=#00aa00]☺☺Once a while good people need a reminder of how special and lovable they are... With this message, consider yourself reminded !

JitO1 12 years ago
[b][size=24][color=#00aa00]☺☺cute feeling..; my hands never pain while typing message for you..; but my hearts always feel pain when there is no reply 4rm u.

vijaymsc 12 years ago
If u cant find the right words for a certain situation, jst give a HUG to that person. Words hav the potential to confuse, but hugs never lie. .

vijaymsc 12 years ago
Can't say hw much I like u and hw special ur to me but, I can say, "My World is Full Of Smiles whenever u r with Me".. Gud nyt.

vijaymsc 12 years ago
For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

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