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taralutovac 11 years ago

daisy089 11 years ago
[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/575710_624131377609964_1162392961_n.jpg[/img]:heart: good night:)

ElizaZarkau 11 years ago
:D It is necessary to learn to appreciate that is in hands, instead of in the sky, to learn to see in it the future, and the main thing — not to compare to that is lost irrevocably. Yes, and it is necessary to live, it is wise and correct.:D

kungzaabza 11 years ago
[b][color=#c20000][size=24]:note: njoy ur day :note: :heart: f♥r♥n♥d♥s :heart: [/size][/color][/b]

Diclehann 11 years ago

Diclehann 11 years ago

taralutovac 11 years ago

ElizaZarkau 11 years ago
:heart: Any thing on light, at desire, it is possible to buy and present... The most invaluable gift which won't become dusty, won't break, won't change hands is our attention to close people and friends... Give attention!:heart:

taralutovac 11 years ago

ElizaZarkau 11 years ago
:sun: I always feel happy. You know, why? Because I from anybody don't wait for anything. Expectations always pain... Life is short... So love the life... Be happy... Also smile... Before speaking, listen... Before writing, think... Before spending money, earn... Before praying, farewell... Before hurting, feel... Before hating, love... Before dying, live!:sun:

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