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ownworld74 11 years ago

ownworld74 11 years ago

ownworld74 11 years ago
mein reject karh dey:hee: mein kaha mein tau actress vanougey:$

ownworld74 11 years ago
yeh tau hiritk hain:o

ownworld74 11 years ago
mujhe modleng mein nokry miel gayye:$:hee:

ownworld74 11 years ago

ownworld74 11 years ago
i went oflin no pm and am:o

FrontlineCommando 11 years ago
ahe :o knock knock :hee:

VartikaRocking 11 years ago
[color=#d8d3bc][b][size=24]4 THINGS YOU CAN ONLY TELL YOUR BEST FRIEND[/size] [/b] [/color] [color=#c20000][i][size=18]1- Your DH/DW complaints[/size] [/i] [/color] You love your Dear Husband (DH) and Dear Wife (DW), but what happens when they get freaking annoying? Your best friend's there to here you whine all day. [i][color=#00aa00][size=18]2- the bitter truth[/size] [/color] [/i] No matter how successful or accomplished your best friend is, you do not think twice before telling them that, their T-shirt stinks or that they are looking total mess. And they will never get mad at you because they know that, what you are saying is true. [color=#0000aa][i][size=18]3- Your sexcapades[/size] [/i] [/color] Shhh... it's only your best pal, who knows of your dirtiest secrets and tricks in the sack. Nope, not even your husband/wife knows it. [color=#ffc602][i][size=18]4- Your worries and fears[/size] [/i] [/color] Whether they are regarding the big stuff(money, kids, health, job, exam anxiety) or the small stuff(wrinkles, cockroaches, shopping), your friend is just a call away. :) :) :) :) hpy fnsp day dear:) :)

ownworld74 11 years ago
:dance:kaarh rahey hon aur tuh?:p

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