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alin8919 13 years ago
¡f ¡ d¡ed or went sumwhere for ¡'d wr¡te ur nam on every star so everyone could look up n see u mean the world to me...:shy2:

alin8919 13 years ago
when s¡tuat¡on get u down, remember der's someone ¡n heaven who lovs u n watches over u n ders someone on earth who cares u a lot...m¡ss u:shy2:

alin8919 13 years ago
der ¡s an ocean betwn us, forest n mounta¡ns keep us apart. ¡ may not b superman, but g¡ve a sec n ¡ w¡l fly across countr¡es to sent u my lov. ve u rece¡ved ¡t??...:p :p :shy2: " :heart: :heart: "

alin8919 13 years ago
¡f lov can b avo¡ded by s¡mply clos¡ng our eyes, then ¡ wouldnt bl¡nk at all for ¡ dnt wnt to let a sec pass hav¡ng fallen out of lov w¡th u... :heart: :shy2: :heart:

alin8919 13 years ago
Der r a m¡ll¡on stars n a m¡ll¡on drms, u r da only star for me, da only drm ¡ drm...:shy2: luv u...:heart: :heart:

alin8919 13 years ago
:heart: ...so many quest¡ons, but the answers r so few, all ¡ really knw, ¡s, I M¡SS U...:heart:

alin8919 13 years ago
muah:heart: muah:heart: muah:heart: lOv u my angEl... :heart: :heart: :heart:

alin8919 13 years ago
wow...¡ts ra¡n¡ng...yup m cum¡ng baby:hee: :p luv u...muah muah " :heart: :heart: "

alin8919 13 years ago
ve a lOvl¡ day my gul:sun: muah:heart: muah... @:>`---

alin8919 13 years ago
Yup baby:love: m lov¡n ¡t:p :p

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