daqx 13 years ago [b]
[size=14][color=#c20000]"Love has no reason;[/color]"
There was a girl got accident and became coma..
A letter by her side from a boy whom loved her entirely without any reason:
[i]The letter goes:
Because of your sweet voice that I love you… now can you talk? no… therefore i cannot love you.
Because of your care and concern that i like you.. now that you cannot show them, therefore i cannot love you.
Because of your smile, because of your every movements that i love you.. now can you smile? now can you move? no…, therefore i cannot love you…
If love needs a reason, like now, there is no reason for me to love you anymore.
Do love need a reason? [/i]
“Sometimes the best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, cannot be touched, but can be felt in the heart..”
Love doesn’t need a reason…
its something you can feel burning inside your heart and waiting to explode,
please.. never ever ask someone why do they love u..
Love is nature and without love the world is nothing but a piece of crap..
ALSO LOVE YOUR LOVED ONES..[/size] [/b][/color]
[i][b][color=#c20000]May your heart be filled with love at all times
regardless of anything..
God bless :sun:
[/color][/b] [/i]
daqx 13 years ago
[b][size=14]Two loving friends:
[color=#0000aa]Fear and danger. [/color]
Two daring friends:
[color=#aa00aa]Doubt and destruction[/color]
Two little friends:
[color=#00aa00]Insecurity and futility[/color]
Two inseparable friends:
[color=#c20000]Love and oneness[/color]
Two illumining friends:
[color=#aa00aa]A pure heart and a sure life[/color]
Two fulfilling friends:
[color=#d09537]Progress and satisfaction[/color]
Two eternal friends:
[color=#00aaaa]Man the evolving God
And God the manifesting man[/color] [/size] [/b]
[b][size=14]Two good friends
you and me.[/size] [/b]
God bless :sun:
daqx 13 years ago
"Of all the music that reached farthest into heaven, it is the beating of a loving heart."[/color] [/size] [/i][/b]
[color=#0000aa][b]keep smiling! :heart:
daqx 13 years ago
:sun: :sun: :sun:
[b][i][size=14][color=#c20000]"Keep love and happiness in your heart whatever it takes..."[/color] [/size] [/i] [/b]
[b][i][size=14][color=#aa00aa][/color] [color=#00aa00]"Feel the sun on your face, the breeze in your hair and hear the birds playing in the trees.
Make today a great day!
[/color] [/size] [/i] [/b]
[b][size=18][color=#aa00aa]God bless..[/color] [/size] [/b]
[b][color=#ef9898]-nodz-[/color] [/b]
daqx 13 years ago
[i] [b][size=14]Sometimes we let affection,
go unspoken,
Sometimes we let our love
go unexpressed,[/size][/b] [/i]
[i][b][size=14]Sometimes we can't find words to tell
what's deep inside our hearts,
Especially towards those
we love the best. [/size] [/b] [/i]
[i][b][size=14]Let words flow.. and live life without regrets in the end..[/size] [/b] [/i]
[b]God bless![/b]
daqx 13 years ago
[b][i][size=14]"Being happy is the cornerstone of all that we are! Nothing is more important than that we feel good! And we have absolute and utter control about that, because we can choose the thought that makes us worry or the thought that makes us happy; the things that thrill us, or the things that worry us. We have the choice in every moment."
Let us always try to be...even sometimes its difficult and ask God to be in the middle..
God bless :note:
nodz :shy2:
[/size] [/i][/b]
daqx 13 years ago
We are friends from far away.
When we talk we always have something to say.
Our lives so different yet the same.
Every night we play the game.
We talk of families and about our day.
I always wonder if there's more to say.
Could it have been different for you and I?
Or was fate decided before we could have tried?
For now we play our parts, that's all that's left;
Never knowing if our hearts would have met.
Two people from far away, always asking,
"How was your day?".[/size] [/b] [/i]
[b][color=#0000aa]Near or far, cherish each friendship..
Have a good day :sun:
Spread love
be blessed
[/color] [/b]
daqx 13 years ago
[b][i][size=14][color=#c20000]“May God grant you always...
A sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you.
Laughter to cheer you.
Faithful friends near you.
Whenever you pray, God to hear you.” and a lasting love that will always be with you... [/color] [/size] [/i] [/b]
[b][color=#aa00aa]Have a peaceful day ahead of you![/color] [/b]
[b][color=#aa00aa]nodz:)[/color] [/b]
daqx 13 years ago [i][b][size=14] Life is a lot like a coin; you can spend it any way you wish, but you can spend it only once..
Choosing one thing over all the rest throughout life is a difficult thing to do..
This is true when the choices are so many and the possibilities are so close at hand..
Life is a choice ...
as is how you handle the pitfalls along its bumpy road....[/size] [/b] [/i]
God bless :sun:
daqx 13 years ago [b][i][size=14]
Be thankful that we don't already have everything we desire.
If we did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when we don't know something for it gives us the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times, during those times we grow
Let us be thankful for our limitations, because they give us opportunities for improvement
Let us be thankful for our mistakes, they will teach us valuable lesson
Be thankful when we are tired and weary , because it means we have made the difference.
Its easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.
Let us find ways to be thankful for our troubles, and then can become our blessings..[/size] [/i] [/b]
[b][color=#aa00aa]God bless:shy2:
-nodz-[/color] [/b]