Ace0426 12 years ago | Thank You | Forward this Picture
LiTtLeGiNnIe 12 years ago [size=24]:sleeping:GuD NiGhT Ma SpEciAL fRieNd,i PRaY Yu LaY iN ReSt,N mAy ToMoRRoW BrInG yU MuCh LoVe N HaPPieNeSS:sleeping:
SlEeP tIgHt n DreAm SweET
Bella9118 12 years ago hi sweetie i missed u so much
LiTtLeGiNnIe 12 years ago [b][color=#bbbbbb][size=24][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
somewhere there’s someone
who dreams of your smile,
and finds in your presence
that life is worth while,
so when you are lonley,
remember its true:
somewhere is thinking of you…
have a gud saturdae keep smiling
LiTtLeGiNnIe 12 years ago [b][color=#b1acef][size=24][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he hasa small piece of fluff in his ear.
Have a gud dae n keep smiling:D
LiTtLeGiNnIe 12 years ago [size=24]:sun::sun::sun::sun::sun:
LiTtLeGiNnIe 12 years ago [size=24]:sun::sun::heart::sun::sun: