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CUDOR 12 years ago
:) :) :) :) :)

CUDOR 12 years ago
:) :) :) :) :)

xnirx 12 years ago
i have no head:rofl: reya i have to go:mad: A true & caring relation doesn’t have to speak loud, A soft smile is just enough, B’coz its not the mouth that speaks, Its the heart that feels..:) :) gut nyt:sleeping:

xnirx 12 years ago
u r so kind:dance2: like reya:hee::rofl: if i alone:,( i will dye:,(

xnirx 12 years ago
:hee: why i do dat:rofl: i have got brilliant marks n ma student life:rofl: but u dont kill ur self :tappingfoot:

xnirx 12 years ago
low marks is nt crime:spin: every thing have itz own reason:hee::rofl:

xnirx 12 years ago
wat bad situation:spin::hee: yo got married:p:mad::hee::rofl: mast huuu= i'm fine:)

xnirx 12 years ago
ha ha ha yah yah u r ryt:hee::rofl: reya k bacchi:hot:= where have u been:hot::shy2:

xnirx 12 years ago
[b][color=#c20000][size=24] ╰♡ :hee: ╰:heart::heart:╮ :hee: ♡╮ [/b][/size][/color][color=#00aa00][size=18] DUAL HEART ATTACK MESSAGE BY A GIRL to her lover.. 1st message- lets break up now, its all over.. 2nd msg.-sorry, sorry!! That was not 4 u.... :hee::rofl::p[img]http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley99.gif[/img]:p:rofl::hee: Height of coolness: Two friends finishing the paper, coming out of the exam hall, having a cool drinks and talking. 1st: dude which paper was it? 2nd: may be maths. 1st: that means you did the paper? 2nd: no man the girl next to me was using calculator. :spin::hee::p[img]http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley100.gif[/img]:p:hee::spin: Lkg boy on his way to home with his mom, saw a couple kissing on the road? He suddenly shouted and said, look mom, they are fighting for chewing gum. :rofl::hee::p[img]http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley96.gif[/img]:p:hee::rofl: Boy: I like that girl. His friend: she has a boy friend. Boy: look. A goal post always has a goalkeeper, but that doesn't mean you can't score goals. :hee::rofl::p[img]http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley85.gif[/img]:p::hee::rofl: A Boy Went 2 Doctor Wid Infection on His face. After Checking, Doctor Said: "Ask ur GF 2 change her lipstick Brand, u r Allergetic to lakme".. :o:hee::p[img]http://www.funnypictures24.com/funny2/funnysmiley91.gif[/img]:p:hee::rofl: Face /your/on/smile/ little/a/get/to/ trick / my/only/was/ this/but/me/ with/angry/get/ will/you/message/ this/reading/ After/ morning/good (Now Read in reverse).... :P:hee::sun:[img]http://www.99galleries.com/photo/2924.gif[/img]:sun::rofl::P [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=24] ╰♡ :) ╰:heart::heart:╮ :) ♡╮ ok i hate u:hee::p:rofl: [/b][/size][/color]

xnirx 12 years ago
[b][color=#c20000][size=24] ╰♡ :) ╰:heart::heart:╮ :) ♡╮ [/b][/size][/color][color=#00aa00][size=18] “No, No, No, I don’t want to show” Time has not yet come for me to go To the world that I live this world for simple reason I want to live here for some more years as a simple person. Give me some more time for worship as I followed nothing Life was enjoyed as if it may not have any end for something I repent now for not having utilized it in best way The death lords may come anytime and take me away...'' [/size][/color][color=#08e2f0][size=18] ''A human being can take away everything in life except his knowledge, thoughts and dreams, which are charged positive ideas of illusion and hope” … Good Morning With Love and Respect………. [img]http://www.99galleries.com/photo/2506.jpg[/img][img]http://i4.tagstat.com/image07/3/7296/00fT05zwTam.gif[/img][img]http://i2.tagstat.com/image07/4/499c/009n054B4Cs.gif[/img] [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=24] ╰♡ :) ╰:heart::heart:╮ :) ♡╮ [/b][/size][/color]

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