xnirx 12 years ago
i have no head:rofl:
reya i have to go:mad:
A true & caring relation
doesn’t have to speak loud,
A soft smile is just enough,
B’coz its not the mouth that speaks,
Its the heart that feels..:)
:) gut nyt:sleeping:
xnirx 12 years ago
u r so kind:dance2:
like reya:hee::rofl:
if i alone:,( i will dye:,(
xnirx 12 years ago
why i do dat:rofl:
i have got brilliant marks n ma student life:rofl:
but u dont kill ur self :tappingfoot:
xnirx 12 years ago
low marks is nt crime:spin:
every thing have itz own reason:hee::rofl:
xnirx 12 years ago
wat bad situation:spin::hee:
yo got married:p:mad::hee::rofl:
mast huuu= i'm fine:)
xnirx 12 years ago
ha ha ha
yah yah u r ryt:hee::rofl:
reya k bacchi:hot:= where have u been:hot::shy2:
xnirx 12 years ago [b][color=#c20000][size=24]
╰♡ :hee: ╰:heart::heart:╮ :hee: ♡╮
1st message- lets break up now, its all over..
2nd msg.-sorry, sorry!! That was not 4 u....
Height of coolness:
Two friends finishing the paper,
coming out of the exam hall,
having a cool drinks and talking.
1st: dude which paper was it?
2nd: may be maths.
1st: that means you did the paper?
2nd: no man the girl next to me was using calculator.
Lkg boy on his way to home with his mom,
saw a couple kissing on the road?
He suddenly shouted and said, look mom,
they are fighting for chewing gum.
Boy: I like that girl.
His friend: she has a boy friend.
Boy: look. A goal post always has a goalkeeper,
but that doesn't mean you can't score goals.
A Boy Went 2 Doctor Wid Infection on His face.
After Checking,
Doctor Said: "Ask ur GF 2 change her lipstick Brand,
u r Allergetic to lakme"..
Face /your/on/smile/ little/a/get/to/ trick /
my/only/was/ this/but/me/ with/angry/get/
will/you/message/ this/reading/ After/ morning/good
(Now Read in reverse)....
╰♡ :) ╰:heart::heart:╮ :) ♡╮
ok i hate u:hee::p:rofl:
xnirx 12 years ago [b][color=#c20000][size=24]
╰♡ :) ╰:heart::heart:╮ :) ♡╮
“No, No, No, I don’t want to show”
Time has not yet come for me to go
To the world that I live this world for simple reason
I want to live here for some more years as a simple person.
Give me some more time for worship as I followed nothing
Life was enjoyed as if it may not have any end for something
I repent now for not having utilized it in best way
The death lords may come anytime and take me away...''
''A human being can take away everything in life
except his knowledge, thoughts and dreams,
which are charged positive ideas of illusion and hope” …
Good Morning With Love and Respect……….
╰♡ :) ╰:heart::heart:╮ :) ♡╮