Skinnygarfield 7 years ago [img][/img]
:heart: :note: :heart:
danelfiriel 11 years ago [size=14]You never know what a simple person might hide inside..![/size]
danelfiriel 11 years ago [size=14]Happy New Year to you my dear friend!![/size]
[size=14]May 2014 bring you Health, Love, Happiness,[/size]
[size=14] Strength, Success, Patience,[/size]
[size=14] Hope and everything you wish for!![/size]
[size=14]Happy times!![/size]
danelfiriel 11 years ago [size=14]Snowflakes[/size] are unique!
There could be millions in a day but yet all different to each other!
They are tiny but extremely complicated!
[size=14]Different[/size] shapes, different sizes, a whole history inside them!
Created by nature or created by magic?
Althought they are crystal ice,
if you look them closer, they may warm you more than any fire!
so, Be [size=14]Different[/size]...
Be [size=14]Unique[/size]...
Be [size=14]You[/size]...
and show everyone
your warm heart and magic! :heart:
danelfiriel 11 years ago [size=18]PAUL WALKER[/size]
Another angel in the skies...
Born: September 12, 1973
Died: November 30, 2013
[size=18]R[/size]EST [size=18]I[/size]N [size=18]P[/size]EACE
emadbarka 11 years ago [size=18]HELLO MY FRIEND[/size]
:shy2: :heart: :shy2:
danelfiriel 11 years ago Always drive carefully because accidents may happen...
Always be careful when you are on the street
because accidents may happen even if they are not caused by you...
Somebody left a couple of days ago...
He was just 25...
It wasn't his fault but he is gone now....
and nothing can bring him back....
A candle for his memory...
AymanAlrawy 11 years ago [img][/img]
Smile a while and while you smile,
smile another smile and soon there
will be miles and miles of smile
just because you smiled,
I wish your day is full of SMILE
Good Morning