sonikds 13 years ago Hi annie,
Gd mng.I vry like to knw u...
suhaan153 13 years ago [img][/img] [color=#c20000][b]If one day you feel like crying. Call me... I don't promise that I'll make you laugh. But I can cry with you.[/b][/color] [color=#00aa00][b]If one day you want to run away. Don't be afraid to call me. I don't promise to ask you to stop. But I can run with you.[/b][/color] [color=#2746ff][b]If one day you don't want to listen to anyone. Call me... I promise to be there for you. And I promise to be very quiet.[/b][/color] [color=#aa00aa][b]But if one day you call me And there is no answer. Come fast to see me. Perhaps I need you...[/b][/color]
suhaan153 13 years ago MaY u aLwAyS hAVe : eNoUgH hApPiNeSs tO kEEp u sWeEt; eNoUgH TrIaLs tO kEEp u sTrOnG; eNoUgH SuCcEsS tO kEEp u eAgEr; eNoUgH fAiTh tO gIvE u cOuRaGe; and eNoUgH dEtErMiNaTiOn tO mAkE eAcH DaY a gOOd DaY... gOOd mOrNiNg dEAr nD hAvE a FaBuLoUs DaY aHeAD...!!! :sun: :sun: :sun:
dipak5573 13 years ago miss more photos you are so necharl.
dipak5573 13 years ago miss more photos you are so necharl.
suhaan153 13 years ago LifE iS a cOmBiNaTiOn oF aDjUsTmEnTs aNd cOmPrOmIsEs ... AdJuSt wHEn sOmEoNe wAnTs tO bE wITh YoU aNd cOmPrOmIsE wHEn YoU wANt tO bE sOmEoNe... gOOd aFtErNoOn dEAr...!!! :sun: [img][/img]