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Arien90 12 years ago
Masalalu..mungkin bs ku ingat..tp aku sudah jauh berlalu..tinggalkan kisah semu.,,.

Arien90 12 years ago
:p Ketika kamu hadir dan memberiku sejuta harapan..

Renia79 13 years ago
[img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/12/160112/160112.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/11/158001/158001.gif[/img] :sun: :heart: :sun:

Renia79 13 years ago
i miss you Plz cmback soon

Renia79 13 years ago
Rin gmna kbr kamu :)

Renia79 13 years ago
to hearts which neac each other move from evening close to morning light,, the night is good., because my love,,they neversay good night dear :smile::smile: & sleep well :heart::heart:

Renia79 13 years ago
hi moon,, my frnd is going to sleep. Tell to your brother sun to raise tomorow late bcoz my friend wants more relax..Good ninght my dear :smile::smile: sweet dreams :heart::heart:

Renia79 13 years ago
aslamualaikum..sore gi apa...rilex..:smile:

Renia79 13 years ago
the morning is just a few moment away. Go to sleep and when u wake up,,rememberme as a friend who is always there for u and never let u down.good night my dear frnd :smile::smile:

Renia79 13 years ago
aslmalikm mat malam gmna kbrnya sbk yah..?

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