Kingfisher88 13 years ago every minute of anger... you lose sixty seconds of happiness so keep smiling n be happy always:shy2:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:)
Kingfisher88 13 years ago gud morning:)hv a gud day:heart:[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:heart:tc
Lovelyshawaik 13 years ago Sis where r you ? Miss u so much:(
suhaan153 13 years ago [color=#cccc00][b]I need you in times of pain, fear and stress and even to smile in my happiness too. :smile: . :smile: . :smile: . I need you to share my joys, to share my tears too with you . :,( . [/color][/b] [color=#0000aa][b]I need you to hold on and be strong, when things are going wrong . :spin: . I need you to keep the faith and trust and to remind me "What I'm"... [/color][/b] [color=#c20000][b]I need you only for two times, Now and Always . :heart: . :heart: . :heart: .!ยก! [/color][/b]
Lovelyshawaik 13 years ago
Lovelyshawaik 13 years ago
suhaan153 13 years ago [b][color=#c20000]I got your back you got mine, I'll help you out anytime. To see you hurt to see you cry, Makes me weep and wanna die. And if you agree to never fight, Woudn't matter who's wrong or right. If a broken heart needs a mend, I'll be there, right to the end. If your cheeks are wet from drops of tears, Don't worry, let go of your fears. Hand in hand love is sent, We'll be friends Till The End! Happy :sun: DaY...!!! [/b][/color] [color=#2746ff][b].[/b] :note: [b].[/b] :note: [b].[/b] :note: [b].[/b][/color]
TheLastBoyOnEARTH 13 years ago [b]HellO this is jaKe 4m ownskin live! :hee: this is an interview.. So kindly answer de questions.. :hee: hOw aRe yOu? How wAs yoR daY? Did yO ENJoY YOr saTUrdaY?:o :hee:[b]