hawk63 11 years ago
أشياء صغيره لكنها دات معنى
انسانى عميق .. الحب يجــعل
مــن الحيـاة أسهــل ......[/color] [/size]
SKYF4LL 11 years ago
[i]GoOod EvEning[/i]
cuteNovy 11 years ago
:( :,( [size=24]سلحفتي الصغيرة ماتت[/size] :( :,( :,( :,(
:,( :,( :,( :,( :,( :,(
hawk63 11 years ago
“لا أستطيع الإقتراب كثيراً من الناس المدللين الفارغين عاشقي المظاهر الإجتماعية
كثيري الثرثرة و الضجيج ولا أجد بيني و بينهم أية لغة مشتركة”
( [color=#0000aa]غـــــــــــاده السمـــــــــــــان [/color] )
juliet200 11 years ago kalia4juliet@rocketmail.com
How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your profile at fb.com) I really want to have a good friendship with you. Beside i have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself in this site, since it's a public site. Please i will like you to contact me, through my private e-mail via: (kalia4juliet@rocketmail.com ) So we can get to know each other better,and i well give you my pictures and also tell you more about me OK.Yours Friend,
XlanaX 11 years ago [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/529980_353810718062793_979648254_n.jpg[/img]
[size=24]Sweet morning...[/size]
hawk63 11 years ago
:heart: [size=24][/size] [color=#aa00aa]مســـــــــــاء جميـــــــــــــل ..[/color] :heart:
HOSSAMMADNI20 11 years ago قسم الهندسةالسنة الثانية لي
وريتيناالطفي النورمنو