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cuteNovy 11 years ago
[b]:heart: [size=24]good evening my dear friend[/size] :heart: [/b]

wanlapha 11 years ago
[size=24] :) :)

wanlapha 11 years ago
[size=24] ...Good Morning... ...Have a Lovely Day... KeD

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#00aa00] ╔══╗░░░░╔╦╗░░╔═════╗ ║╚═╬════╬╣╠═╗║░▀░▀░║ ╠═╗║╔╗╔╗║║║╩╣║╚═══╝║ ╚══╩╝╚╝╚╩╩╩═╝╚═════╝ [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words ***[img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/09/142068/142068.JPG[/img]***[/b][/size][/color][color=#08e2f0] MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] E - Embrace with open heart:grouphug: [/b][/size][/color][color=#08e2f0] MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] I - Inspire with impressive attitude:) [/b][/size][/color][color=#08e2f0] MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK...MUBARIK MUBARIK.....MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.......MUBARIK MUBARIK.....MUBARIK MUBARIK...MUBARIK MUBARIK MUBARIK [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] D - Distribute pleasure to all:dance: ***[img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/11/157279/157279.gif[/img]***[/b][/size][/color][color=#00aa00] ╔══╗────╔╗─╔╗ ║╔╗║────║║─║║ ║╚╝╚╦══╗║╚═╝╠══╦══╦══╦╗─╔╗ ║╔═╗║║═╣║╔═╗║╔╗║╔╗║╔╗║║─║║ ║╚═╝║║═╣║║─║║╔╗║╚╝║╚╝║╚═╝║ ╚═══╩══╝╚╝─╚╩╝╚╣╔═╣╔═╩═╗╔╝ ───────────────║║─║║─╔═╝║ ───────────────╚╝─╚╝─╚══╝ [/size][/color]

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#f0a2eb] ╰╰╮╰╰╮╮ ♡(^◡^)♡ ╰╰╮╮╰╮╮ [/size][/color] All religions are same!!! We have 26 alphabets in English, as given below? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 S T U V W X Y Z 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 With each alphabet getting a number, in chronological order, as above, study the following, and bring down the total to a single digit and see the result yourself. [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] H I N D U***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413816_lord-krishna-janmashtami-g2222.gif[/img][/size][/color] S h r e e K r i s h n a 19+8+18+5+5+11+18+9+19+8+14+1=135=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] M U S L I M***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413818_mosques-31h.jpg[/img][/size][/color] M o h a m m e d 13+15+8+1+13+13+5+4=72=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] JAIN***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413787_jainism.jpg[/img][/size][/color] M a h a v i r 13+1+8+1+22+9+18=72=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] S I K H***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413817_ccbac2e5guru-nanak.jpg[/img][/size][/color] G u r u N a n a k 7+21+18+21+14+1+14+1+11=108=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] P A R S I***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413788_prophet-zarathustra.jpg[/img][/size][/color] Z a r a t h u s t r a 26+1+18+1+20+8+21+19+20+18+1=153=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] B U D D H I S T***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413813_bodhgaya-mahabodhibuddha2.jpg[/img][/size][/color] G a u t a m 7+1+21+20+1+13=63=9 [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] C R H I S T I A N***[img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413815_jesusbluespaceearth.jpg[/img][/size][/color] Esa Messiah 5+19+1+13+5+19+19+9+1+8=99=18=9 Each one ends with number 9 THAT IS NATURE’S CREATION.:) That all religions are same!!! [color=#f0a2eb][size=18] Amazing!![img]http://1.0.0.img98.net/out.php/i413789_1world.jpg[/img] :(YET MAN FIGHTS WITH MAN, ON RELIGIOUS ISSUES???:spin: [/size][/color] Wishing Your Happy Life My Friend... [color=#f0a2eb] ╰╰╮╰╰╮╮ ♡(^◡^)♡ ╰╰╮╮

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#08e2f0]═╰♡╮☆☆★:heart:★☆☆╰♡╮═ whÿ dö böÿs nëëd ä frïënd whö ïs ä ġïrl ??? BECAUSE................................... -shë wïll nëvër lëävë ü älönë whën ü ärë säd… -shë wïll sëë tö ït thät ü dö ür wörks ön tïmë… -shë wïll mäkë sürë ü dön’t skïp mëäls tö pläÿ mätċhës & dö wörk… -shë wïll äsk ü tö lëävë ür bäd häbïts ëvërÿdäÿ, ëvërÿ tïmë… -shë wïll fïġht wïth ü ön smäll mättërs, bt wön’t këëp d änġër för lönġ… -shë wïll mäkë ÿöü mönëÿ-wïsë… -shë wïll säÿ: dön’t w0rrÿ, ëvën ïf thërë’s löt tö wörrÿ ör nöthïnġ tö wörrÿ... -shë wïll mäkë ÿöü pünċtüäl… -shë wïll hëlp ÿöü rësträïn ür änġër… -shë wïll tälk tö ü 15 tïmës ä däÿ tö knöw whät ü’rë döïnġ… ü mïġht fëël büġġëd ät tïmës, bt trüth ïs thät ÿöü ċän’t dö änÿthïnġ wïthöüt hër… äs ġïrls ärë spëċïäl ġïft öf ġöd för böÿs…:heart: sö respect & rëälïżë thëïr wörth änd täkë ċärë 0f thëm…:thumb:[/size][/color][color=#b1acef] BECAUSE................................... [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391060_part-003.jpeg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391061_part-004.jpeg[/img] [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391062_part-005.jpeg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391063_part-006.jpeg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391064_part-007.jpeg[/img] [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391065_part-008.jpeg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391066_part-009.jpeg[/img] [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391068_part-011.jpeg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391069_part-012.jpeg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391067_part-010.jpeg[/img] [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391070_part-013.jpeg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391071_part-014.jpeg[/img] [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391072_part-015.jpeg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391073_part-016.jpeg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i391074_part-017.jpeg[/img] dëdïċätëd tö äll ġïrls änd böÿs whö shärë thë lövë änd frïëndshïp n os…!! ═╰♡╮☆☆★:heart:★☆☆╰♡╮═ [/size][/color]

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#f0a2eb][size=18] ╰★╮╰★╮☆:heart:☆╰★╮╰★╮ 'When two souls, that have shed their loneliness, embrace and melt into one; from out of loneliness, love is born. ♡☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆☆♡ [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i380749_couple-fashion-hands-love49579.jpg[/img] ♡☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆☆♡ [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i380747_boy-couple-cute-girl-hat-49569.jpg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i380745_amanda-seyfried-chaning-t62178.jpg[/img] ♡☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆☆♡ [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i380742_401902-487400414610537-53119-n.jpg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i380741_389724-471418192875426-16126-n.jpg[/img] [/size][/color][color=#08e2f0][size=18] ♡☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆☆♡ You are the Drug, I’m the Addict.:shy2: ♡☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆☆♡ [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i380744_all-best-bestfriend-frien46174.jpg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i380746_best-friends-bff-chillin-42695.jpg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i380748_cute-friendship-girls-lov37220.jpg[/img] ♡☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆☆♡ Pleasant Dreams :note: ╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮♥:heart:♥╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮ [/size][/color]

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#08e2f0][size=18] (¯`*•.¸♥ ♥¸.•*´¯)(¯`*•.¸♥ ♥¸.•*´¯) BEST MSG FOR TRUE LOVERS:: [/size][/color][color=#aa00aa][size=18] She says.. " I don't love you... " Her eyes.. say " I'm crazy about you..." She says.. " I'm happy without you.. " Her eyes say.. " I'm nowhere without you..." [/size][/color][color=#b1acef][size=18] She says.. he has many to take care of him.. Her eyes say.. " But.. no one cares like you do ..." She asks me to hold some one else's hand.. Her eyes say.. " never leave me..." [/size][/color][b][color=#c20000][size=18] She says.. " you're just a good friend.. " Her eyes say.. " I can't see you to be someone else's..." She says.. "Go away " Her eyes say.. " stay till my last heartbeat..." [/size][/color][color=#b1acef][size=18] She says.. "Don't kiss me.. " Her eyes say.. " Don't follow my words..." She says.. " wait for now.. " Her eyes say.. " let's fall for each other..." [/size][/color][color=#aa00aa][size=18] She says.. " I'm confused.. " Her eyes say.. " I JUST LOVE YOU....! [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i375530_544737-414447835234036-20286-n.jpg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i375487_301705-444038628941623-46951-n.jpg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i375491_398267-438138006198352-83392-n.jpg[/img] [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i375524_576528-274359505991399-13421-n.jpg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i371243_camera-flower-gelb-girl-n43475.jpg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i375527_547483-414429735244144-12141-n.jpg[/img] [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i375502_529193-411691832176303-12417-n.jpg[/img][img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i375498_531310-287319871362029-18296-n.jpg[/img] [img]http://153.1.img98.net/out.php/i375522_559506-231909040247475-15461-n.jpg[/img] [/size][/color][color=#08e2f0][size=18] :sun:GOOD Morning:sun: miss u:( (¯`*•.¸♥ ♥¸.•*´¯)---(¯`*•.¸♥ ♥¸.•*´¯) [/size][/color]

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#08e2f0][size=18] ╰☆╮[img]http://www.9o9i.com/upfiles/wzy95800.jpg[/img]╰☆╮ [/size][/color][color=#b1acef][size=18] 'Love knows no reasons, Love knows no lies, Love defines all reasons, Love has no eyes… But love is not blind, Love sees all but doesnt mind.' ╰☆╮[img]http://www.9o9i.com/upfiles/nen95800.jpg[/img][img]http://www.9o9i.com/upfiles/59m95800.jpg[/img]╰☆╮ 'Wo mohabat hai meri koi majburi to nahi , Wo mujhe chahiye ya mil jaaye zaruri to nahi, Ye kya kam hai.. wo basa hai meri ankhon main, Wo rahe meri nazro ke samane yeh zaruri to nahi...' [img]http://www.9o9i.com/upfiles/wzy95800.jpg[/img][img]http://www.9o9i.com/upfiles/ymy95800.jpg[/img][img]http://www.orkugifs.com/en/images/we-may-be-far-away,-but-your-friendship-remains-true.-i-just-wanted-to-say-i-miss-you_467.gif[/img] [/size][/color][color=#08e2f0][size=18] :sun:GUT DAY:sun: ╰☆╮╰☆╮╰♥Ξ♡♡Ξ♥╮╰☆╮╰☆╮ [/size][/color]

xnirx 12 years ago
[color=#08e2f0][size=18] ---♥ ♡╰☆☆:heart:☆☆╮♡ ♥--- ýőú ćáń wíń lífé bý áll méáńś íf ýőú śímplý ávőíd twő thíńgś íń lífé ćőmpáŕíńg wíth őthéŕś, áńd éxpéćtíńg fŕőm őthéŕś! :shy2: [img]http://151.0.img98.net/out.php/i364417_2793.jpg[/img][img]http://151.0.img98.net/out.php/i364419_3202.jpg[/img] [img]http://151.0.img98.net/out.php/i364421_5018.jpg[/img][img]http://151.0.img98.net/out.php/i364423_6312.jpg[/img] [img]http://151.0.img98.net/out.php/i364422_5739.jpg[/img] [/size][/color] [color=#2746ff][size=18] ýőú dőń’t ńééd évéŕýthíńg tő éńjőý lífé ýőú álŕéádý hávé lífé tő éńjőý évéŕýthíńg...:dance2: [img]http://151.0.img98.net/out.php/i364418_2990.jpg[/img][img]http://151.0.img98.net/out.php/i364420_4884.jpg[/img] [img]http://151.0.img98.net/out.php/i364424_7775.jpg[/img] :note:flőwéŕý ńíghT:sleeping: ---♥ ♡╰☆☆:heart:☆☆╮♡ ♥--- [/size][/color]

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