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jeyen26 9 years ago
:heart: [color=#00aa00][b]Birth is start of life, Beauty is art of life, Love is part of life, Death is last of life, But FRIENDSHIP is heart of life...! :thumb: :P [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4c/f3/22/4cf322a9cc5a0d53c2ee75843963f4ee.jpg[/img] :shy2: :shy2: :heart:

jeyen26 9 years ago
:heart: [color=#ffc602]Its human tendency to run behind people whom we love and neglect the ones who love us.. :p bcoz We r sure we’ll never loss them …. :P strange bt very true… :$ :note:..Good evening..:note: [img]http://www.imgion.com/images/02/Good-evening-friends.jpg[/img] :heart:

jeyen26 9 years ago
:heart: :sun: Good Mrng frnd :sun: & :note:...Have a nice day..:note: [img]http://s2.favim.com/orig/34/butter-cream-butter-cream-frosting-butter-cream-icing-cake-caramel-Favim.com-279203.jpg[/img] [img]http://s1.favim.com/610/150301/nail-art-nail-design-nails-Favim.com-2523521.jpg[/img] :heart: :heart: :heart:

jeyen26 9 years ago
:):):):):):) [img]http://www.amusingfun.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/keep-smiling-life-is-beautiful.jpg[/img] :):):):):):) HAVE A HAPPY TIME....! :heart: :heart: :heart:

jeyen26 9 years ago
Good nyt nd swt drmz to u.:note: [img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc3/08/278868/278868.jpg[/img] :heart:

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