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serizawan 11 years ago
after a long night of sleep, :sleeping: a great morning comes, :sun: and i hope that my simple "good morning" :$ adds color in it, :) and makes you feel fìne all day, :smile: good morning, :P have a colorful day, :smile:

serizawan 11 years ago
good morning to sweet person, :sun: who passed sweet night with a sweet dream, :$ now want to pass sweet day with sweet talk, :smile: have a sweet day, :P have a sweet good morning karinchan, :shy2:

serizawan 11 years ago
good night, :P sweet dreams, :$ take gud care, :smile:

serizawan 11 years ago
:sun: good morning, :P happy weekend, :smile:

serizawan 11 years ago
good night karin-chan, :P have a nice dreams, :) take gud care, :smile:

serizawan 11 years ago
~*%-._.-%*~. -._G 0 0 D_-? ?+. _ .+? .~%*-._.-*%~, ?-. NIGHT .-? ?+. _ .+? Keep Smiling :smile: Have sweet dreams :sleeping:

serizawan 11 years ago
[img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aja8Olkd0h0/T_-KB2T_7zI/AAAAAAAABKU/W46DKtkLsc8/s1600/sleepy-emoticon-yawning.jpg[/img] i wish that God would hold you tight, i hope that angels would keep you in sight, now just to make sure you feel all right, i'm gonna blow you a sweet goodnight [img]http://www.goodlightscraps.com/content/good-night/good-night-8.gif[/img] :sleeping: :sleeping:

serizawan 11 years ago
no words to say,no gifts to give, just wish for you to be happy always, [img]http://www.orkugifs.com/en/images/happy-valentines-day_2811.jpg[/img] have a sweet valentines day, :hee: :hee: :hee:

serizawan 11 years ago
alhamdulillah,kepala masi d atas,kaki masi d bawah, :p :hee: km lg sibuk yaa,? :o g prnah ol d OS ato d twitter, :hee: take gud care, :heart:

serizawan 11 years ago
bagusan yg item ap yg kuning, :hee: [img]http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x260/scribbler89/emo%20punk/Naruto_Emo_cry_by_issabissabel.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.profilebrand.com/funny-pictures/category/celebrity/475_naruto-l-jackson.gif[/img] :p :hee: :rofl:

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