flamboyantABU 11 years ago
[i][size=18][color=#ef9898]Earth weights 6.6 septilion tons.
Don’t make it heavier by carrying Tensions & Heavy heart!
Laugh a lot, hate less, Love much & Enjoy every moment.
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flamboyantABU 11 years ago
A good way to change someones attitude is to change your own.
the same sun that melts butter,
also hardens clay!
Life is as we think,
so think beautifully.
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flamboyantABU 11 years ago
[i][size=18][color=#aa00aa]Somebody tell me why
every time i look at you in the eye
it seems like your stare speaks
I’m in a complete bleak
touch me, and i freeze
as i slowly melt into the cold breeze
kiss me and my heart will seem to fly
then, i know i’ll be ready to die
love is never easy
it has been driving me crazy
but just a thought of you
all my insanity is thru
please tell me you love me
so my feelings will be free
forever waiting may take me
but true love is infinity.
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flamboyantABU 12 years ago
[img]http://im13.gulfup.com/2012-02-15/1329338023412.gif[/img] [img]http://im13.gulfup.com/2012-02-15/1329338023412.gif[/img][img]http://im13.gulfup.com/2012-02-15/1329338023412.gif[/img]
[img]http://im13.gulfup.com/2012-02-15/1329338023412.gif[/img] [img]http://im13.gulfup.com/2012-02-15/1329338023412.gif[/img] [img]http://im13.gulfup.com/2012-02-15/1329338023412.gif[/img] [img]http://im13.gulfup.com/2012-02-15/1329338023412.gif[/img]
flamboyantABU 12 years ago
flamboyantABU 12 years ago