kazem76 7 years ago سلام بر ابجی گل خودم خوبی عزیز ببخش اگ کم یاد میکنم
kazem76 9 years ago aval salam bar aji gole khodemoon
badesh are man injam mage hanooz to ham injaii:D :D :D :D :D
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Aticos 9 years ago ...Life is not somewhere waiting for you, it is happening in you. Not in the future as a goal to be achieved, here and now, right now on your breathing, circulating in your blood pounding in his heart...
kazem76 10 years ago سلام بر ابجی گل خودمون چ خبر خوش میذگره بدخلق:hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee:
Aticos 10 years ago For YOU! ...
There is a place where everything is possible. Where love is true. This place is called HEART ...
It is here that I keep the SPECIAL people who do not always see, but never forget ...
farid9700 11 years ago سلام. به یاد دوران قدیم. سالها پیش[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1454803_525207264260338_1778083352_n.jpg[/img]