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333968 12 years ago
[size=18][b]【】Have a happy SATURDAY ; Take care 【】 :shy2: :P

jovic35 12 years ago
mga friends nasan na kayo musta na:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :heart: :heart: :note: :note: :P :P :P :,( :,( :,( :,( :mad: :mad: :mad: :hee: :hee: :hee: :hee: :smile: :smile: :smile: :note: :note: :note: :money: :money: :money:

jovic35 12 years ago
:spin: :spin: :spin: :spin: :spin: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :o :o :o

jovic35 12 years ago

jovic35 12 years ago

CaballesRonald 12 years ago
It's More Than Saying I Love You.. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL THE LOVERS AND OUR LOVE ONES.. We give on this day candy and flowers, But we never stop to say thank you for the many hours. You have stood by my side and gave a smile, As if to tell our hearts it's been worth every mile. No need to buy a teddy bear or even a card, It's pretty simple and not at all hard. Just put your arms around me and hold me tight, And say without words that in your heart all is right. You may say I Love You throughout the year, But on this day you need to make sure. The words so sweet and straight from your heart, That your life would be lonely without my part. So put forth the effort and take the time, Look me in the eye and say I'm glad you're mine.

Popping Pink

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