elameral 13 years ago [img]http://up.arabseyes.com/upfiles/QVh33599.jpg[/img] :smile: :smile: [img]http://www.fesal.net/infimages/myuppic/493ea2dc06150.jpg[/img] :sun: :sun: [img]http://www.pic.7bebtte.com/data/media/31/2007_07_06_15_46_fc4fb-7bebtte_.gif[/img] :heart: :heart: [img]http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/225275_146959512041492_126327507438026_271212_3576257_n.jpg[/img] :sun: [b][i] [size=18][color=#00aaaa]With My Love[/color][/size] [/i] [/b] :sun: [b][i] [size=18] [color=#c20000]elameral[/color] [/size] [/b]
rajkumarashok 13 years ago [size=24] [color=#08e2f0][b]G :p :p D EVENING...[/size][/color] [/b]
:heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
[size=18] [b] [i] [color=#08e2f0]
I miss my FrĀ”ends,
When I see some other Gang sitting around, caring, slapping each other.
Their mischievous smiles switching to loud laughters,
Though stranger to me,
they represnt a part of my life i lost somewhere,
I miss my friends.
I like you all, I love u all, Stay happy where ever you are.
rajkumarashok 13 years ago hey swt humpty dumpty papaya pie.. :p:p:p
hAwTb0ii 13 years ago thank 4 da add, sweetie :shy2: im ron .. n u?
shujiharu 13 years ago where r u mei mei? :( i'm really worried . .