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Death_Grim: Enemies of metal, fuck you all damn it.
Male,39,,Slaughter House Of Doom
Death shall bfall on All of you who mess up with my stuff, my style n music. I'll give you a pleasnt death. I will make you suffer. I'll make your life misreble. This is just a piece of warning for those who dare stick their nose where they don't belong.

Mobile Operator:Dst, Com
Phone Model:N73
Occupation:Anti, cris and Goth service
Company:Anti, cris Association, black religious society and metal aswad chaos system
Schools:i dont go 2 NO DAMN School
Like:Memanat with my black metal music
Hate:My shitty chile, hood past memories
Fav. Music:Black, heavy, goth n rock
Fav. Movies:Action n Adventures, Fantasy n lotz MORE
Fav. Books:PhotoEditors
Fav. Celebrity:LOTZ, female Celebs
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:15 years ago

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