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Nthng to say but me as a boy very frndly in nature , do eny kind of work nd lyk to help other out frm whatever da situation may be . Nd most important i live ma lyf my own way bcoz am a sailor as a officer in nature lyk to sail around the world round round round...and a very luvable and a sentimentle persön dis is all have to say my dear frnds .. Nd for thus who search of frnds am der for dem at ny tym..

Mobile Operator:Aircel
Phone Model:N 79
Company:Mercator lines
Like:My mom nd my dad
Hate:Not in my list
Fav. Music:Which touches the heart nd akon
Fav. Movies:Titanic, pearl harbour, men of honours, judgement day, goal
Fav. Books:Graham danton of seafears
Fav. Celebrity:
Skinner Since:14 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

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